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Crafting Futures: Shawn Glover’s Visionary Path in Visual Storytelling

In the winter of 2019, Shawn Glover encountered a pivotal moment that significantly challenged his creative career.

Faced with the need to grow and solidify his work, Glover embarked on a journey of self-discovery and unlearning, which reignited his passion for art and allowed him to embrace his creative process more freely. This period marked a significant shift in his approach to art, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance in his work.

From an early age, Glover was drawn to the arts, participating in various creative classes and groups. His experiences in these settings provided an escape and later became an extension of his reality. An influential conversation with an educator about the difference between being gifted and being talented shaped his perspective on artistry. Glover chose to identify as talented, focusing on continuous improvement and skill development rather than relying on innate abilities.

“Lost Boy w/ Hat”
“Gold Boy” 2022
“Jade Boy” 2022


Glover’s creative process is deeply introspective and experimental, beginning with a purposeful reflection on his motivations for creating art. He immerses himself in a broad spectrum of media to gather inspiration, allowing his ideas to evolve naturally. This approach results in artwork that is both technically innovative and conceptually rich, reflecting Glover’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms.

“I had come to the decision that I was going to be an artist with a capital “A”, but before I could do that, I needed to take the time to unlearn a lot of the habits that had followed me throughout the years.”

Shawn Michael

Photographer: Brittany Witherby

Participating in the Black Boy Art Show in 2021 was a significant milestone for Glover, providing him with an opportunity to showcase his work on a larger scale and connect with other artists. This experience highlighted the value of community and support in the artistic journey, offering Glover new perspectives on marketing, branding, and professional growth.

Looking to the future, Glover is excited to inspire the next generation of artists and explore less conventional art-making techniques. He aims to delve into printmaking, encaustic/wax, and the use of a minimal color palette, reflecting his ongoing pursuit of artistic innovation and exploration. Glover’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of art and the continuous quest for personal and professional development.

Contact Information:

Shawn Glover remains accessible to his audience, welcoming inquiries, collaborations, and conversations about his art.